
Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

Resending: Super simple- how to make your iPhone healthier

Published 9 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

First off, the best way to make your iPhone healthier would be to drop it in the ocean. But if you're like me and many others these days, you know these damn devices are somewhat indispensable.

Unfortunately, they flicker toxic blue light, emit microwave radiation, and suck us in to anxiety-provoking social media. All of these components have been researched and are harming us. Ugh!

Now it is possible to reduce these sources of EMF radiation, but it's not easy, requiring you to be constantly clicking all the antennas on/off, and toggling night shift, or even the red color filter on/off. It's a pain! And sometimes, at least for me, it's easy to forget.

So I got to thinking, what if there was a way to simplify and automate these 'hacks'?!

Well, there is, and I'm happy to offer it to you. I call it the Ultimate iPhone Hack, and here are the benefits:

  • Just one button to turn the wireless radiation (cellular, WiFi, BlueTooth) from your iPhone ON or OFF. Normally you need 5+ clicks to do this!
  • Just one button to turn the toxic blue light from your phone ON or OFF.
  • Automagically stop blue light from your phone at sunset, then back on at sunrise.
  • Automagically reduce screen brightness after the sun goes down.

Here's a demo video I put together:

video preview

To purchase this hack, head over to my store. You can install it in less than 5 minutes. You're going to love it!

All the Best,

Shane Reilly
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
Owner - Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

President, Oregon for Safer Technology, a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Making the invisible visible! Electromagnetic Field (EMF) INSPECTION // REMEDIATION // CONSULTATION
My Trending Post: My EMF Journey

Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

I'm a Building Biologist, and I write content to help educate you about EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and give you practical solutions to reduce them in your environment! EMFs are an environmental toxin like mold or lead in the drinking water or VOCs. EMFs can negatively impact your sleep, energy, and overall health! They are definitely worth learning about and doing something about. Sign up below and check out my website @

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