
Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

[video] The Ultimate iPhone EMF Hack

Published about 1 year ago • 1 min read

By this point, I imagine most of us have some sense that our cell phones are impacting our health. Excessive screen time, depression, anxiety, electromagnetic radiation, toxic blue light and others are all well documented downsides of using a cell phone.

So much research has been done by this point, it's really hard to argue against a more moderate approach to using your cell phone.

What if there was an easy way to quickly turn on or off the various harmful EMF radiations that your phone emits? What if you could even set this to happen automagically?

If you'd like some help in reducing the downside of your cell phone, I've created something that I think you're going to like. Click the link below to see a demo video, learn more, and purchase your own Ultimate iPhone EMF Hack!

Shane Reilly
Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist
Owner - Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

President, Oregon for Safer Technology, a 501(c)(3) non-profit

Making the invisible visible! Electromagnetic Field (EMF) INSPECTION // REMEDIATION // CONSULTATION
My Trending Post: My EMF Journey

I've put all of my excellent EMF content in one convenient place for you to check out!

Click the image below for more info.

Optimal Dwelling Spaces LLC

I'm a Building Biologist, and I write content to help educate you about EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and give you practical solutions to reduce them in your environment! EMFs are an environmental toxin like mold or lead in the drinking water or VOCs. EMFs can negatively impact your sleep, energy, and overall health! They are definitely worth learning about and doing something about. Sign up below and check out my website @

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